I’m 10 Mins Away, and I’m Bringing Cake!
I believe in community.
I grew up in a collectivist culture and family where people are always around. You can call one of your relatives or friends, and someone is often available for an impromptu outing or drop-in. Being part of a community with people we can relate to provides a sense of belonging, and we feel less alone.
Yes, there are cons to a collectivist culture but in the western, individualistic culture, people tend to prioritize their needs over the group or community. It becomes a "me vs them" thinking.
It can be a lonely existence.
I miss the concept of "drop-in" practice/culture.
I miss the days when friends and family would show up at your door with food or a gift. Some will call when they are on their way or at the market picking up food, but the expectation is that dropping by each other's home is normal and welcomed. (Yes, Covid times have changed things but meeting outdoors in the garden is a great option)
The underlying reason for these visits is to check in on your people.
Are they okay?
Do they need help?
Maybe they are older and need help remembering to take their medications.
In the west, dropping in on your friends and family unannounced is often unwelcome and almost taboo. Also, nobody answers their phones anymore.
Some of the thoughts that come up when we think about showing up unannounced include:
What do you mean drop by? Oh no, that's not allowed, my house is not clean!
I can't do that. They might not want to see me!
They have kids, and they are in school. They might be studying for an exam!
Individualistic cultures treasure privacy. Look at our condo buildings. You often need a fob to get into the building.
I get it, part of the reason is security, but in many collectivist cultures, security is everyone's business.
I wish my people live closer.
I wish it is acceptable and the norm to call my friends and say, "I'm in the neighbourhood, and I'm bringing cake."
I want us to show up for our community when they have a baby, when they move, and when they are going through a breakup.
We show up.
We help them move.
We bring food.
We do laundry for them.
Because if we don't look after each other, what is the point?
Alone, we can do so little.
Together, we can do so much.
~ Helen Keller